How To Reduce Your DUI Charges

Convictions for driving under the influence (DUI) are notoriously expensive, especially in California where court fines and fees can add up to thousands of dollars over the base price of the ticket. An experienced DUI lawyer can negotiate on your behalf and potentially lower the cost of your charges. Can DUI be reduced to reckless […]
DUI FAQ: Does Mouthwash Affect a Breathalyzer Test?

If you have been charged with driving under the influence but did not drink before driving, you are likely both frightened about facing drunk driving penalties and confused about how the breathalyzer test detected alcohol in your system. Can you fail a breathalyzer test from mouthwash? Get the facts, then seek DUI assistance from a […]
DUI Blood Tests in California

When a driver is pulled over in California and the police officer suspects that he or she is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the driver can choose to have either a blood or breath test. These tests are designed to determine the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC). Readings of more than .08% will […]
3 Ways a DUI Can Become a Felony

Is a DUI a felony in California? Most instances of driving under the influence (DUI) are considered misdemeanor charges, which carry less serious penalties. However, three factors can lead to a potential felony charge for DUI in California. If you’ve been charged with this crime, you need the advice and guidance of an experienced DUI […]
What You Can Expect During a Day in Traffic Court

There are many reasons you may have found yourself scheduled to appear in court, from getting a speeding ticket or failing to stop at a red light to DUI and reckless driving. If this is your first offense, here is some insight into a typical day in traffic court. Your Day in California Traffic Court […]